Friday, November 22, 2013

Secrets of Coffee & Cocoa

Curl up in your favorite chair and read on while you have your favorite TV show tuned in [e.g., Bonanza is a great choice] with your pet sitting by your side, I have a few secrets you may wish to try, share, check out, analyze, and disregard if you want, nobody really cares, but me. Okay, boil about 4 cups of water on a stovetop; put in a few drops of either lemon or orange extract; boil for at least 10 minutes. Pour the boiling hot water into your favorite mug with a cute animal on it, now, mix in either instant coffee or instant cocoa. Sprinkle in some cinnamon and enjoy with your favorite snack, like mini pumpkin scones. Now, a warning. If you cannot or do not want caffeine, never drink decaffeinated coffee, tea or cocoa. Rumor has it, caffeine is a naturally occurring substance, and the chemicals used to remove it may cause pancreatic cancer. Yes, I am here to share, please do not take this advice if it frightens you. Having no coffee is better than decaffeinated coffee drinks or decaffeinated tea [I am not talking about herbal teas, of course, which have no caffeine]. There, I wrote it. And dark chocolates and cocoa are good for the heart and soul. But, I don't really need to tell you that, do I? 

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