Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Easy Dietary Changes

We all struggle from time to time with various problems of weight loss and what to do about it. We exercise, change our diet, but nothing seems to be a lasting fix. The bottom line is, we've got to start making changes now that will affect how we look and feel in the future. Everything counts. Don't think that a handful of strawberries is not worth the bother, that it will mean nothing in your day, when it does. So here are a few tips to make you think twice before you consume that giant hamburger, fries and piece of pie.

First of all, think of common table sugar, sugary sweets, candy, pies, cakes, cupcakes, etc., as eating fat that your body can't use. It not only contributes to that lumpy cellulite but it contributes to overall weight gain. Sugar equals fat. The substitute? Something that has vitamins in it such as strawberries, blueberries, pineapple, grapes, or bananas, etc., yet adding nothing to it, no sugar or whipped cream. Fruit helps with hydrating your skin and gives you a bit of natural energy without feeling sluggish later. I find that fresh fruit is the best choice over frozen as some frozen foods contain dyes to make them more appealing and yet they are never as sweet as fresh fruit and can be very sour and you'll probably go reaching for that table sugar to make it palatable.

Second, stop or reduce your intake of animal products. There are a lot of products that are substitutes for the animal based products and many times are healthier since they contain Omega-3 Fatty Acids which promote heart health. Carefully avoid soy products, as they lead to weight gain since they can adversely affect the thyroid gland. You may think, well what can I eat? There are soy-free and meat-free products now readily available in the grocery store. They make a nice addition to your salad, or as a main dish with vegetables. Don't overdo it, thinking that you can eat a huge pile of faux chicken and not have weight gain. It all counts. Remember if you do choose to have any genuine meat or dairy products, they are loaded with naturally occurring hormones from the food animal, contain white and red blood cells, lactose and tons of cholesterol.

Originating from the U.K., the products contain egg whites,
however, some vegan products are available.

Third, increase your intake of fresh vegetables. If you choose the canned version, make sure it's either low salt or salt free. There are a variety of vegetables that you can cook in a variety of ways and if you use them as a main dish, you can have a small serving of pasta to use as a base. Use almond or hemp oil as a garnish with fresh basil. Start researching the different vegetables and be careful to not overdo it on the root vegetables, as they can adversely affect your thyroid. Deep purple and red vegetables are a good choice, even that deep purple onion with toasted bread can make a nice side dish to any soup or main dish.

Fourth, yes, we've got to get moving everyday. Try for that walk around the block every morning after your hot water with fresh lemon juice [helps with eliminating toxins] and then come back for some fresh coffee with warm pita bread and strawberries on the side. After maybe a salad or hot soup for lunch, do stretches, yoga, or lift some weights before dinner. 

Dinner? Well, minestrone or vegetable soup is a good option [if canned, make sure it's low sodium] with a salad and some faux chicken strips and coffee or tea. Some people like that glass of wine before bed but be careful since too much alcohol intake can lead to an addiction, aside from sagging skin and bags under the eyes. 

Where to go for help? Well, it comes from inside of you. Think about everything you eat and it will make a difference. Keep a food diary to see where you messed up and make that change the next day. If you write everything down, you see where and how you need to switch out the fatty foods with the foods that are packed with nutrition that your body can use and not simply try and get rid of.

Begin looking online at vegetarian and vegan food sites. Be careful of following celebrity advice since it is well known they have not only their own expert chefs, but also their very own and very expensive plastic surgeons.

It's fun discovering news ways to eat, even that veggie or fruit smoothie can be very healthy and take the place of a few meals per day. If you eat for substance and nutrition, you will not feel as hungry. Remember to think about taking that walk everyday, go window shopping, get out of the house and you'll find you are not sitting and thinking about that next meal, but about that awesome pair of jeans you've been wanting to wear that are already hanging inside your closet.

#stylesheetdaily #fashion #diettips
#veganfood #vegetarian

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

New Year, New Style Ideas

Are you getting tired of your same old makeup and color scheme? Add a bit of color to that fresh face of yours to boost your spirits and add some color to those dark winter months.

What about your home? Well now is the time to freshen up your place and think about incorporating some color into your design style. I've come across some ideas and want to share them with you. So here we go.

If you want to introduce a bit of bold color in your home, try it on a side table or entryway table with a beige wall. Even if the wall has a wallpaper pattern, keep it neutral so that the color will be the focal point. You can use various patterns, but keep it in the same color scheme.

You can have neutral room decor and introduce a beautiful color couch, like this wonderful lilac color or pick a favorite color. It will look good as a focal point in a beautifully neutral room. The green plant is a nice compliment to the purplish couch.

Having trouble getting going in the morning? How about a colorful retro kitchen? It will inspire you to start your day with a smile on your face.

And don't forget your home office decor where you can freely display your personal photos and knickknacks and don't be shy about displaying your Oscar on a credenza.

#style #decor #vogue #stylesheetdaily