Friday, November 21, 2014

Turkey Day Again?

I know, everyone loves the Thanksgiving holiday that is coming up rapidly next week, and I think I have made it clear that I steer clear of animal food products, especially meat from poultry, lamb, beef and pork and especially at all costs try my best to avoid all dairy products. I say, try my best, because I love real cheese on a panini sandwich with lettuce and tomato but limit myself to never having it; I mean, cold turkey folks.

And what about that cold or heated turkey, I mean unless you are walking out into your backyard and chopping off the head of your own turkey, that turkey you are buying in the store is years old and FROZEN as in FROZEN, like from the earth's ice age.

There are no healthy benefits to stuffing your waistline with turkey meat, and god knows what is being fed to those turkeys before you incinerate it inside your oven. They are fed all sorts of stuff to fatten them up for slaughter, but we are talking about a slaughter that probably happened when American Indians actually still owned and lived on the plains of America. So you are eating old meat, with zero benefits, I mean, let's just say it, there are alternatives to padding the bank accounts of corporate America pushing products and pushing the slaughter industry onto the public around the holidays.

As I always say, and I am quoted often, save your money for important things, or a nice treat for yourself or a family member; a nice vacation or something you have been saving for as a reward to yourself for another year well done, another year where you have worked your best to enrich your well-being and focus on your nest egg as you enjoy each day knowing you are trying to live a cruelty free life, with the only cruelty being that alarm clock that rings at the crack of noon to wake you for another hard day of facing that cruel world out there as not all people have the same intelligence as you have. So, try and enjoy the holiday season with window shopping on Main Street, that stroll along the ocean in the crisp air, or gabbing with the girlfriends proud of your salad days waistline that will strengthen yourself and the people who rely on you.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Behind The Bed

What do you do with that wall space behind your bed? Isn't the standard headboard a bit dull? Even that built in bookcase routine is pretty bad, I mean, who uses their bed as a library? Well, no readers of mine, that's who, as a bed is for slumber not getting your Ph.D., well, not really, depends on who you are studying.

I found a few ideas from various sites on the web to handle that trouble spot behind the bed that might spark some ideas of your own as we head into the cooler months and that nice warm bed seems very inviting as you end your busy day of lunching with the girls and ferreting out those special steals in the quaint shops on Main Street and settle down with vino and chocolates thinking about nothing but that much needed night of sweet dreams...or making a few memories.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

The Onion

Cold and flu season is here, and allergy season is usually every season, but believe me, these small changes in your diet will work wonders. I know, I know, onions are awful, but we are talking here about fresh raw onions, and specifically, the golden onion. 

Need some quick tips for feeling well this season? I don't think I have made it a secret that everyone should avoid animal based food products at all costs; however, I am the first to acknowledge the benefits of fish and seafood. Plain ol' tuna fish in a can packed with water [not oil] helps alleviate sniffles and runny noses. You can mix the tuna with onions and celery on top of lettuce with avocado and tomato for a plain salad. Opt for that tuna fish sandwich sans cheese for lunch along with a veggie salad sans those globs of fat sitting on top of the lettuce commonly called beef or chicken.

This is an easy diet if you begin to feel under the weather and just might help you avoid that dreaded dull doctor's visit. You will start feeling back on track with your shopping schedule in no time.

Stop with your regular diet for a week, and start this routine:
2 cups of black coffee in the morning to ease any breathing difficulties
Raw onion with plain, real sugar at bedtime to ease coughing
Pearl onions peeled, raw or boiled, as a snack when you start to feel ill
Large raw onion diced and peeled [of course] added to hot soup
Drink hot water with fresh lemon
Drink hot teas, especially Ginger, Licorice, or any variety you like with fresh lemon
Drink hot water with a tiny amount of iodized salt and lemon for an upset stomach
Pearl onions as a snack or with hot veggie soup or broth will get you back on track in no time.

Don't forget your surroundings, a comfortable bed when you are striving to recover and get back into your routine is important; tune into a classic movie channel, and scented candles can do wonders while you cleanse your system of bad food and liquor and start thinking about how you feel and not only how great you look when facing that world out there.