I'm talking about young people now [not just young at heart], when should they start wearing makeup, or should they? It's about maintaining health so think about skin care, healthy hair and a healthy body, don't think about covering up [believe me, that will come much later in life] but letting the skin on your face breathe and be free from makeup.
Notice I always reach into the past for good examples because I rarely see any young person now that is a good role model, they either look sickly or pile on too much makeup. So remember it's about good skin care, not makeup. Start with only mascara and some color lip balm or gloss. That's it, aside from a nice light tan from the sun, being careful to use sun block everyday. The number one cause of aging and age spots is a lifetime in the sun.
As a girl starts maturing, then she can add some polish to her makeup. Always remember the emphasis is on a good diet, free from fats, free from almost all animal based foods and cruciferous vegetables [that may cause problems later on] and drinking water and natural fruit juices, with the occasional coffee and herbal teas.
Some gorgeous, polished faces:
#fashion #beauty
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