Generally speaking, I try to stick to a steady diet of very basic foods, avoid: heavy sauces, spicy foods, fried foods, and sugary desserts.
If you feel like you are really getting a serious case of the flu, where food is difficult to keep down, think of the "BRAT" diet. Bread, Rice, Applesauce, Tea for one week. Normally, it takes one week to come down with the flu, one week to have it, one week to get over it. So think about your diet and you will hopefully get through it much quicker along with bed rest and your favorite "I Love Lucy" episodes on DVD.
I rely on ginger herbal tea, there are various types and brands, it immediately stops that sick or nauseated feeling. Plain white rice is easy on the system, as is plain white bread or toast. Aside from that, if I just feel under the weather a banana does the trick. Bananas are a good snack to keep around for the morning meal before you dash out to your wonderful place of business and it will hold you until lunch, along with that cup of coffee.
Some people will have you downing gallons of orange juice or other fruit juices which are just too hard on your stomach when you are sick, and too sugary, even the natural or fresh juices.
For allergies, I avoid any medicines because you need to build up your immune system and adjust your diet, like any canned tuna fish packed in water can help abate seasonal allergies to wind, pollen, grasses. Allergy medicines can simply mask the problem not cure it, and it won't help the body to fight it off. Check with your doctor if you have special conditions, but honestly, doctors do not receive any training in medical school about vitamins or herbs and are trained to prescribe drugs, that is their business take it or leave it, it's your decision.
Some good teas for skin and the digestive system: Ginger, Licorice, Dandelion, Burdock Root. Shop around, there are many to select and all are good for you, just read the labels and enjoy.
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