Sunday, March 30, 2014

Allergies, Cold or the Flu?

Generally speaking, I try to stick to a steady diet of very basic foods, avoid: heavy sauces, spicy foods, fried foods, and sugary desserts.

If you feel like you are really getting a serious case of the flu, where food is difficult to keep down,  think of the "BRAT" diet. Bread, Rice, Applesauce, Tea for one week. Normally, it takes one week to come down with the flu, one week to have it, one week to get over it. So think about your diet and you will hopefully get through it much quicker along with bed rest and your favorite "I Love Lucy" episodes on DVD.

I rely on ginger herbal tea, there are various types and brands, it immediately stops that sick or nauseated feeling. Plain white rice is easy on the system, as is plain white bread or toast. Aside from that, if I just feel under the weather a banana does the trick. Bananas are a good snack to keep around for the morning meal before you dash out to your wonderful place of business and it will hold you until lunch, along with that cup of coffee.

Some people will have you downing gallons of orange juice or other fruit juices which are just too hard on your stomach when you are sick, and too sugary, even the natural or fresh juices. 

For allergies, I avoid any medicines because you need to build up your immune system and adjust your diet, like any canned tuna fish packed in water can help abate seasonal allergies to wind, pollen, grasses. Allergy medicines can simply mask the problem not cure it, and it won't help the body to fight it off. Check with your doctor if you have special conditions, but honestly, doctors do not receive any training in medical school about vitamins or herbs and are trained to prescribe drugs, that is their business take it or leave it, it's your decision.

Some good teas for skin and the digestive system: Ginger, Licorice, Dandelion, Burdock Root. Shop around, there are many to select and all are good for you, just read the labels and enjoy.

#herbaltea   #stylesheetdaily
#stylesheet    #fashion   #beauty

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Carb Report

Should you avoid carbs? Well generally probably yes, unless you are an athletic or participate in a sport at least five times a week, you need carbs. But everyone benefits from carbs, and no, not cakes and cookies but a bit of pasta and potatoes [for potassium]. No, I don't emphasize wheat or whole grain foods because they are like heavy cereals that put on weight, but moderation is the key and can cause skin dullness. Plus, as you A-G-E [I know, I hate that word] white pasta with fresh veggies can plump out your face. Skip the heavy creamy sauces and brown rice or brown rice pasta tend to cloud the skin. Just think about it and tuck this information away for future reference. You won't regret it and your skin will love you.

#pasta  #carbs

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Making Up: For Teenagers

I'm talking about young people now [not just young at heart], when should they start wearing makeup, or should they? It's about maintaining health so think about skin care, healthy hair and a healthy body, don't think about covering up [believe me, that will come much later in life] but letting the skin on your face breathe and be free from makeup.

Notice I always reach into the past for good examples because I rarely see any young person now that is a good role model, they either look sickly or pile on too much makeup. So remember it's about good skin care, not makeup. Start with only mascara and some color lip balm or gloss. That's it, aside from a nice light tan from the sun, being careful to use sun block everyday. The number one cause of aging and age spots is a lifetime in the sun.

As a girl starts maturing, then she can add some polish to her makeup. Always remember the emphasis is on a good diet, free from fats, free from almost all animal based foods and cruciferous vegetables [that may cause problems later on] and drinking water and natural fruit juices, with the occasional coffee and herbal teas.

Some gorgeous, polished faces:

Don't forget, guys need to think about their appearance too and keeping their skin and hair healthy. Think about good products to use now, sun block, chapstick, and when they get older they can think about color and cut for their hair. Look to GQ and the fashion mags for some help; avoid Hollywood, they normally look like a mess and are only preparing for their next movie role.

#brookeshields  #candicebergen  #naturalbeauty  #stylesheet
#fashion  #beauty

Saturday, March 15, 2014

The Problem With Wrinkle Creams

As I have said, I think the best thing for skin is Retin A and Nivea, even for guys [aside from all that shaving stuff they need for their faces]. 

But so many wrinkle creams are on the market and not cheap, and basically how they work is to plump the skin. Nobody can erase time and wrinkles, especially since wrinkles are mostly caused by the sun, poor health, and quite frankly, the normal aging process. 

I do not like a giant puffy eye area, I instead like lotions or gels that decrease puffiness. A good brand is Bindi [available online and some health food stores] and Natura Bisse [available at Neiman Marcus]. 

Most Hollywood stars do not rely on products that only reach the surface of the skin, Retin A penetrates the skin and hair follicles, and all the stars, believe me, all, resort to a face lift, especially beyond the age of 45. So don't let all the mass media coverage pressuring you to buy wrinkle creams cause wrinkles across your brow...decrease, de-puff [I invented a word], and reduce, are the watchwords for aging gracefully. And, don't forget to think more about what you put into your body than on your face.

#stylesheetdaily  #fashion #health  #beauty
#bindi  #naturabisse

Friday, March 14, 2014

We Don't Live In CGI

Don't let the likes of Hollywood stars and their vanity influence your major life decisions and I mean major surgeries to remove body parts and internal organs that are healthy. Yes, Angelina Jolie is supposed to be some hero to women but I am missing the point here. In the old days, doctors removing healthy tissue was called malpractice, and in most cases, resulted in license revocation. So either Princess Jolie is lying and has/had cancer, then she is removing healthy tissue and seems to need a doctor, but one that specializes in Munchausen's disease, self abuse, and other psychological problems.

Angelina wants you to believe she looks like this photo from her new movie [below], she is 100 percent CGI, a fake, phony, a computer image, but I guess it's okay, it's a cartoonish Disney film, but in my own humble opinion, why didn't Disney just hire a naturally beautiful woman to play this part? Why is Angelina shoved down our throats as some icon, some beauty? 

Sorry I just don't get it, but I think her so-called message to women is dangerous and is self-abuse, a self hate. Everyone's decisions about their health are their own, but don't start removing body parts in some desperate attempt at obtaining eternal youth, it won't happen ladies, unless you can afford a multi-million dollar CGI image to sit at your desk at work, go shopping for you, drive your car, etc., are what you are, but Angelina is fighting it every step of the way with surgical alterations to her face and body that will never stop until doctors butcher her to death where she ends up looking like the tragic Michael Jackson, who destroyed his face yet his talent will live on; but not so much with Jolie, I have yet to find her, ummm, talent.

Cartoon Angelina

Angelina had a few nose jobs, but the photo on the right is not current. Angelina's plastic surgery erased her ethnicity.

This photo was taken after Angelina's first nose job and it has been tweaked since, but it looks like her natural skin color before it was lasered to death and before she lightened her hair. She looked more like her French roots and maybe something else mixed in, very natural, very unique and she destroyed it.

#angelina Jolie   #beauty  #cgi   #stylesheetdaily

Sunday, March 9, 2014

The Ultimate Luxury? Simplicity.

Make a commitment at least once per week to indulge in the ultimate luxury of self indulgence, yes enjoy the simple things in life regardless of your social position, your family situation [hopefully you have no ties that bind, what a drag, really] but choose your own time out each week and enjoy. Why do I always think about Truman Capote for such inspiration? I don't know, he was brilliant, outrageous, entertaining, and yes, simple in his outlook on life and never seemed to let possessions or money own him, he made his own enjoy.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Executive Style

I know, men have it easy, they just wear a suit and tie everyday, but women have a problem. They need to look good, not dowdy, and some think if they wear makeup and heels they look stupid, and men will think they got to the executive suite by using something other than their brains. Well, I disagree. Women need to look good, they need to push back other commoners who failed to get to the top, they need to intimidate men and rival women who are jealous of them. Men love it when you don't wear makeup, are embarrassed you are a woman, men have tons of ego and not much else. The good ones don't always rise to the top. You definitely know what I mean. I always look to the past for some guidance...some of the women below were real, some made up by Hollywood, but nonetheless, good examples. Don't be embarrassed ladies, you are special, you have what it takes to get to the top, whether it's by choice, circumstance, whatever, go for it, and look good on the way up, and no, you won't fail, you won't need to think about the way back down, it doesn't exist for you. Onward and upward as they say, maintaining your grace under fire.

Real life executives who owned their own studio. They look wonderfully casual during their work day, as they also were stars of their own TV show, they worked constantly providing great support to their employees, management and stars. It was reported actors and directors sought jobs with Desilu Productions because of the two executive above. Always professional yet not taking themselves too seriously, wonderful work ethic, and no bias towards or against the woman executive in charge. 

Here's the boss, yes, Lucy was equally in charge of Desilu Productions and always had her hair and makeup done, not overdone, and she was always real, not pretentious.

On her way up and out of the secretarial pool, Suzy Parker in character  [The Best of Everything] always looked naturally gorgeous, not forced or overbearing, yet not without any makeup. Makeup is a part of a woman's entire appearance, the whole picture.

Think you're too old for the executive suite? Think again, and no, you don't have to dye your hair to look good. Gray, silver or white, it can compliment a pretty face and gorgeous clothes. 

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Oscars: Favorite Dresses

I am sure everyone with Style watched the Oscars and had their own opinions of the red carpet dresses and fashion choices, yet I think keeping it simple is best, and not over-dress, even for the Oscars. This year, nothing stood out for me, no one taking the prize as best dressed in my humble opinion I thought the red carpet was kind of boring actually.

A few of the stars from the 2014 Oscars red carpet that looked tasteful and graceful:

Here are some of my favorites from the Oscars from years gone by:

It's sometimes a balance between incredible jewels, and incredible dresses, while I favor the long slimmer looking dresses, instead of long trains, the important thing is that I enjoy watching and I bet you do to.