Sunday, January 12, 2020

Clear Vision 2020

Yeah, it's that pesky new year and the resolutions we never keep. But maybe this time you'll win. Start by seeing things as they are as we head into the clear vision and clear thinking year of 2020. 

No more cluttering up our lives with things that don't really matter and no more physical clutter in our homes, cars, and at the office. Start by shredding old documents and receipts that are long past their relevancy. Take a look at some of those old photos you no longer want that show your bad side and seek and destroy them. If there is stuff you want to keep, why not scan it and save it in an electronic file format. Maybe your tax records need to be kept or certain legal docs in their present form, but you can store them away in plastic stacking bins and forget about it.

For your home or office, or that pantry that needs organizing, think about the actual use of the space you're in. What do you need to accomplish? What things should be at your fingertips, like, pens, pencils, or note pads. There are plenty of organizing options at various stores without having to break the bank or get overly complicated. Old shoe boxes work well to stack in a closet to house backup makeup and essential supplies so you aren't constantly running to the store to buy your beauty staples. 

Buck up your courage and dump that makeup that is no longer working for you. Don't be afraid, yeah, I know, you spent a lot of money on it but fine, you have to purchase items to see what works and what doesn't unless you are the famous Nicole Kidman and get products arriving at your doorstep every week hoping you will endorse it on your next TV talk show appearance.

Why not try some oldies but goodies as far as reading material to clear your mind and soul of the day's worries? How about listening to classic radio shows that are freely available online featuring some of your favorite celebs from the 1940s - 1960s. 

Yeah, we all need to think about our diet but it's not too bad to indulge once in awhile. Sometimes, just keeping sweets on hand makes you not panic when you're craving it and it's not in the house. Just set it on a shelf in your pantry and it's there just in case. You'll probably find that you really don't go reaching for it when you don't feel deprived or ban it from your life completely. Like, oh yeah, it's there, so what, I'll drink some hot tea instead or a coffee drink with cinnamon and almond milk. A coffee substitute is just as good from a brand called "Pero". Many people say to avoid all chemically decaffeinated drinks at all costs, the chemicals can be extremely harmful.

Go for herbal teas or a Pero drink instead, anything that naturally does not contain caffeine if you don't want it. For me, caffeine is fine in small doses, just about a cup a day and that's it. Yeah, I know, watch calories but maybe switch out that plain pasta for veggie pasta, or switch out that meat dish with a veggie dish. Even melted pure butter over broccoli can be fairly satisfying since I think you should avoid manufactured substitutes depending on what they're made of. Beef or chicken substitutes can be much healthier than animal products.

Happy new year to all fans of the Style Sheet. Here's to many more years to come !!

#food #newyear #happynewyear #2020 #fashion #style #stylesheet #dali #bardot #fun

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