The Western type is an easy template you can use for your home or apartment, no matter if it's one story or more, you use the same template aligning the bottom of the template to where your front door is located. In my opinion, you don't have to purchase anything or worry about buying a compass to figure out which room faces which direction.
You'll want to start very simple and basic, and if you want, delve deeper into the finer points of Feng Shui later on. It can be a bit of a rabbit hole and could drive you nuts. The intent is to create a peaceful and harmonious home where every room flows into the next without distraction or clutter, keeping the energy flowing smoothly throughout the home.
First thing is to declutter your house. Start making piles of what to donate, what to keep or store away in plastic bins for future use or posterity, and what to throw out in that garbage bin. No clutter is the first rule. Clear space now in your home, pick up stuff off the floor, clear tabletops except for one or two decorative items. Family photos can go on a shelf in your bedroom or home office. But still, keep out only a few nice photos in pretty frames, store the rest. Then hit the kitchen area and clean up everything. No dishes in the sink or drying on the counter, pick up everything and what you don't want, throw it in the trash. Declutter the pantry by storing items in baskets or varying sizes of tins of the same color or style. Keep an abundance of food items in your fridge or pantry to create more abundance in your life. You don't have to over-spend or buy what you can't afford. Just don't have empty food shelves in your pantry or fridge, because you want to attract abundance and not appear to be existing in a "lack" mentality.

Experiment with creating a friendly entryway that can be in green or teal colors with beige as a suggestion to invite family and friends into the home. Your home still can be functional while you're doing Feng Shui decorating.
Pictured below is an easy to follow template for any home. The lower edge of the template equates with the wall where your entryway door is, not the door to the garage or back door if you don't use your front door. It is aligned with your front door, so the bottom of the template includes your front door. I do not suggest investing in anything pricey, like, don't repaint all your walls or buy new furniture. This is just to get you started using what you already own. If you buy anything new, think about the color and design and where it will be used.
You can use the template for each floor of your house or apartment. Remember, it stretches out along the entire wall where your front door is, so, depending on your floor plan, it will encompass the entryway, bedrooms and maybe a bathroom. The middle or center of your home from wall to wall will be the family sector with earth tones, maybe your living room or office, even closets with blankets and linens. Throw out anything old and stained and keep things fresh and clean. The upper left corner is your wealth sector even if it might fall where a bedroom might be or maybe a family room. Think about what images or decor means money to you. Use rich blue and purple tones, gold tones or real gold or gold-plated items and a silver box for coins. Anything that means prosperity to you can go in that section of your house, even photos of a beautiful castle or a beautiful ocean with a yacht sailing along peacefully.

Experiment with the energy in your home and use Feng Shui as a guide to a peaceful house. Start looking at various decor ideas online and you'll see what vibes with you. Don't let this rule your roost, however, have fun with it and don't stress out. It could lead to a whole new interest and hobby.
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