Sunday, May 10, 2020

Home Style

Since it seems almost the entire globe is on lockdown and in hiding from impending anxiety, it doesn't mean you can't switch that around and decide to look awesome and continue to create magic inside your home. People are emerging everyday in their towns and it's wonderful to see how people are using their time providing that they don't need to worry about their income. 

Time to rethink that resume and start looking at the job announcements in your town. The jobs are there it just takes a bit of doing to find them. For those that are not worried about their income, now's the time to organize that house of yours. Go through old photos and put them in frames and photo albums. Look around at your nest and see if there are any ideas for positive change. I've gathered some inspirational photos from around the web that might spark an idea and for you to take it to the next level.

Clear out the clutter.  Now's the time to implement that minimalism
in your home. Turn off the electricity and turn on the candles.

Pare down your makeup and hairstyling. Sit out on your patio
or near an open window to get some sun and air. Apply lip gloss every day.

Put ribbons in your hair and dance with a favorite partner.
Social distancing be damned; your home is your castle.

EXERCISE! Put on a YT video and get going. If you don't have
legit weights, then lift those gallon containers of milk or water.
Focus on a different set of muscle groups every other day.

Don't forget to SMILE.

#style #covid-19 #covid #viral #fashion #stylesheet #hair #hairstyle
#makeup #clothing #home #decor #shelter #streisand

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