Saturday, August 15, 2020

Summer Style

Even though many people may still be a bit confined, you don't have to suffer in silence. You can make your home environment one of pleasure and comfort as we head into the final weeks of summer. Don't let the heat sabotage your style.

Here are some style inspirations to help make your nest a bit more restful as you ponder the Fall months making sure you stock up on essentials just in case you can't get to the makeup counter. A lot of stores are not reordering their essential makeup and supplies which is just stupid since we have to keep up our spirits no matter if we are at home or venturing out into the wild unknown as many are taking down the mask of destruction and wearing it around their jawline or neck just in case they are harassed by paid shoppers while ignorant shop owners hide the stuff that sells in the warehouse and forcing us to buy the over-priced garbage they stick on the shelves that they can't unload under normal shopping conditions.

Here are some style ideas to keep in mind:

This is a lovely little outfit for posing in front of a wall since
the shops might be Covid Closed. Remember to stick
a scarf in that purse in case someone panics that you are
breathing their same air even though the chances
of walking past someone and getting sick is about 0.0.

Spend the day in bed and create your own picnic. Take comfort
in a cappuccino and some fruit, bread, and good books.

Nothing is more calming to frazzled stay-at-home nerves than walking
into a color coordinated closet. Try it this weekend.

Put plain or sparkling water in a glass in the fridge along with herbal tea bags
for some iced tea. You can create your own ice cubes by putting
water in a zipped freezer bag and lay it flat inside your freezer.
Once it becomes a bit frozen, you can break it up and put it in the glass.

Get some sun but don't overdo it.

#style #fashion #inspiration #summer #summerfinds
#season #decor #home #shelterinplace #safetyathome
#homealonetogether #georgehamilton #alana
#capri #italy #monaco #travel #stylesheetdaily