Saturday, June 30, 2018

Summer Fashion Trends

Perfect summer outfit
on Kate Moss, 2013.
Well folks, this summer on the designer runways is a bit of a dismal display of styles and trends with many fashions just appearing comical that no one would wear in public, regardless of their age or social status. It just proves that not only should you work on developing your own personal style, but basically stick with what works and can be considered timeless.

I know, some people think timeless means boring, but it doesn't. Obviously, we must be open to new styles and trends and have fun with our wardrobe providing we don't pull any fashion stunts in the workplace unless someone works for a traveling circus. But there is always room to grow and pick and choose what works and throw in the garbage what doesn't, or donate it providing you don't care that other people may get stuck with your discards and will be expected to pay for them no less.

These are some of the clownish offerings from the fashion runways
this summer. These outfits would look awesome in a garbage can.

Some fashion finds can be worn by a variety of people with differing body types and please pay attention to this fact. Just because temperatures are rising outside, it doesn't give anyone the right to expose areas of their bodies no one wants to see. Yes, you know who you are. In the privacy of your own home that's another thing or if you own a private swimming pool, other than that, please think about what you look like before leaving your house. Yes, this is important since you never know who you might meet on your vacations or on your shopping trips around the village. 

Wearable styles for Summer 2018 include checks, ruffles,
pastels, and long print dresses.

Some Summer recommendations for face and body: I love the products from Natura Bisse and many include sunscreen. "The Cure" for face and eyes are tinted to add color to your face:

I love the "C+C Vitamin" creams, sprays, and gels that are also from Natura Bisse. They are refreshing and smell wonderful and boost the skin's appearance.

Take time out to pamper yourself this summer and never forget the number one cause of aging is any and all SUN exposure. Never go out without sunscreen and if you must, wear a hat if going to be outdoors all day. The sun causes age spots and sagging, yet it is never too late to start taking care of your skin.

#naturabisse #fashion #style
#makeup  #clothing #designer
#summer  #stylesheetdaily

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