A new year is approaching very quickly as we are ready to transform ourselves into what we envision, inside our minds. Yes, that dream, that goal, that ideal image that is hidden safely inside your thoughts, is the real you and it's time to transform into that person in 2016.
Lift your glass, lift your spirits, as the new year is destined to bring you only happiness and contentment because it's right there inside of you right now. So get busy. Don't try to set a goal, don't try to lose those last pounds, don't try to meditate about a better year, just do it. Just thinking about it won't make it happen, just do it.
Throw out those planners, those journals, those calendars, just do it. If you pick up interesting ideas along your journey, fine, no problem, keep a delightful small note pad in your tote bag, your pocket, your car, you will be surprised what ideas come along as you observe other people, pick up that magazine, or browse through those village shops. You always want that small note pad with you because you never know who you might meet, what light bulb will go on inside and you have a breakthrough, something will click, that will make your life better, instantly.
Here's to a Happy New Year and a happy new YOU!
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