Saturday, March 21, 2015

Spring Already?

Yes, it is, and time to lighten up and dust off those decorative items you have been storing away all year and freshen up the look of your house, your diet, yourself, and your style.

Let's start at the top, with yourself, yes, you can lighten up a bit, wear your hair off your face in a smart low ponytail, or brushed back, or lighten up that hair color just a bit.

What about your house? No need to race out and spend a lot of that dough in your pocket. Decorate a mantle, a side table, a kitchen table or put fresh flowers around the house.

Allergies? No problem, indulge in some tuna salad sans mayonnaise, drink lots of hot hot water with fresh squeezed lemon, hot or iced herbal teas, eat more salads and ease up or ditch the dairy products. Put hot steamy towels on your face to ease any eye swelling before putting on your face for the day.

Don't forget your daily exercises, oh, too hot, too cold? Try doing some simple weightlifting upon waking up in the morning, at least before noontime, or a few stretches before bed if you aren't really into walking around the neighborhood letting the entire world know you need to lose a few pounds; keep it to yourself, your house or apartment has plenty of room to start your daily exercise routine and it will clear your head as you decide what to wear for your stellar day remembering a bit of sun is good for your hair, your skin, and your outlook on life as you live it with what? Style.

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