Stop, stop, stop with the standard stale ugly Christmas decorating year after year, the stuff you drag out of the closet and dust off and display, especially the useless habit of buying a real tree and attempting to get it inside the house wasting time decorating it and panicking if one of your pets or the kids touch it or accidentally destroys the stale display.
Develop your own style, experiment with different looks, styles, textures, and colors. Create a relaxing and pleasant home atmosphere and stop with the clutter, it's ugly, but you are not. You should have fun developing style and personality of your own, and stop being just busy at the end of each year, and have some fun, take time off from work, and enjoy the closing of another year as we plan an exciting new year. Don't be consumed with storing away that same ol' xmas junk, toss it, donate it to some other sucker stuck in a time warp and style warp, start fresh, and don't feel you need to store away the same decorations like a rabid squirrel terrified of where its next meal is coming from. Toss it, recycle it, start fresh and new and get your mind working on new ideas and your personal style.
Here are a few examples to get you started:
Now this is style! If you can score a bunch of these oversized Christmas ornaments, go for it. I love the color scheme here and the lighting will make you look gorgeous as people start snapping away with their candid photo shots, you will always look good in a room like this. |
This is a beautiful display. Notice the gorgeous lighting and color scheme with only a few touches of red. This is an inviting, crisp look for the holidays. |
I love the simplicity of this holiday decor, it is very pretty and easily taken down once the holidays are over. You can either store it, or donate it and start fresh next year. It is a good start to develop your own style. It isn't fussy or overdone, and could handle pet and kid traffic. |
Are you decorating outdoors? Love this idea to decorate existing trees on your property. Looks easy, uncluttered and fun, and should be pretty sturdy in the weather, providing the ornaments are plastic and fairly lightweight should one break free and fall to the ground. |
If you can't tear yourself away from that tree every year, decorate a table top or mantle with a small tree. Use your imagination on how to decorate it, and don't limit yourself to the standard xmas colors or decorations. Develop your own style and again, toss it or donate it at the end of the season and start fresh with new ideas for next year. |
What about decorating a xmas ladder instead of a tree? Think about it, not a bad option, especially if you live in a small space. Just box up or donate the ornaments and you have a functional item year round [hang scarves, ties, throws, anything]. |
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