If the super rich move stars cannot achieve a lifetime of good looks, how can us commoners expect anything different? We are not there yet with perfecting the scalpel on skin, it is like pulling back a curtain, you pull back one part and the rest sags or creates more and different creases elsewhere.
Doctors can never restore your face to what it looked like when you were young. Aside from that celebrities cheat for the camera, using surgical tape under wigs to pull back their faces tight, they use heavy cosmetics and a fuzzy lens for their TV and movie work. Subtle, small changes will make a difference in your life....the rich just have more money to botch up their faces, yes, rich in vanity, not rich in intelligence...but this is the best doctors can do, so either spend your fortune to look your age with a pulled back face, or spend your fortune elsewhere...
On the bright side, everyone ages, including the perfect and pretty. So, aside from getting any needed nips and tucks, spend your money on a fantastic car, a wonderful vacation, a shopping spree in New York...live your life in reality facing what looks back at you in the mirror with joy, no matter what your age.
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