Saturday, March 7, 2020

Spring into Summer Makeup

Watercolors seem to be the trend this year and the colors can be applied either sheer or opaque depending on your own personal style. Yet you may be a bit wary of coloring your face with bright colors that could look clownish and not achieve the attention you really want.

Below are a few examples of the colorful makeup trend. And yes, age does matter even though you may be fed information that the opposite is true that you need to follow your own spirit. Yes, you do, however, you want to attract attention that compliments your ego and not shatter it into tiny irrecoverable little sad pieces as you stagger home wondering why your spirit failed you.

Very pretty makeup and good use of color on Kathryn Newton
at the 2020 SAG Awards. Notice the light neutral lip color
compliments the apricot color on her eyes and cheeks.
The palette also matches her dress. If she wore a heavy red velvet
dress, her face would disappear and clash with it. Light colors
compliment each other so think about what you're wearing
when doing your makeup for the day or evening.

I like the shimmery pink eye shadow on Priah Ferguson although
she should have finished the look with a bit more color on her face and lips
using stronger pink/beige tones.

Washed out and pale, Margot Robbie is a fail with this look.
If you want an almost bare neutral eye, add a pop of watercolors
to the cheeks and lips. Margot's hair even suffered
a depression framing that bland face.

Only a tight, firm eye area can get away with artistic eye makeup and
you may want to keep the cheeks and lips neutral as shown on the model
or you might look a bit clownish.

Makeup should be fun and don't shy away from experimentation.
Just keep in mind the event you're going to and how you want
to be talked about later. If you need a makeup tutorial,
head over to James Charles on YT.

#fashion #style #margot #ferguson #newton #sag #stylesheet
#watercolor #makeup #jamescharles