Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Meat-Free Feasts

Yes, the holidays are upon us and it doesn't mean you have to gobble up the turkeys or the ham or the steak and eggs, but start transitioning to a meat-free diet that is healthier for you, and will make you happier that you have contributed to the ending of cruelty to animals. I know, it's a preference, but when I have gone back to tasting real meatballs or real chicken, all I taste is the grease, fat, and gross tissue of the animal that died for my dinner, aside from the attacks on my health due to the fat and high cholesterol side effects. 

I know, you say some slaughter methods are not cruel, but there are no humane slaughter methods in spite of what the government tries to say. Any quick Google search will take you to real video of what goes on in slaughter plants, even at the hands of professionals. The quickest methods are employed leaving little thought to the animal being slaughtered since time is money, and it's all about production and getting the work done and slaughtering as many animals as they can each day to make more money for the slaughter plant owners and operators and of course for the employees.

Meatless dishes are really good, but you still have to watch the calories and fat you are consuming if you are concerned about losing some pounds over the holidays this year. If you are careful about what you eat and control portion size, you should see a difference in your waistline in a few months so you don't have to make any major New Year's resolutions about weight loss or diet, since you will already be on your way to your weight loss goals.

Here are a few recipes that might get you going in the vegetable direction if you choose to cook. There are many prepared foods that are just as good to choose from at the market or in the produce or fresh foods section of the store where the food is prepared for you on the premises.

All recipes are from

Cauliflower, Red Onion and Chestnut Tart:

Click here for the recipe.

Roasted Butternut Squash Lasagna:

Click here for the recipe.

Roasted Parsnip Bread Pudding:

Click here for the recipe.

Pumpkin and Pecorino Gratin:

Click here for the recipe.

Mint and chocolate added to your coffee is an easy recipe or just make hot chocolate with almond milk for your morning or afternoon break. For dinner, you can have that one glass of red or white wine to compliment your meat-free dinner.

I know, hunting season officially starts on Friday as I wish you good luck on your shopping expeditions that don't result in any harm to any living thing.

#thanksgiving  #holiday
#meatlesscooking #meatfree  #marthastewart

Friday, November 3, 2017

Selfie Day

Time to take a day, maybe two, to stay home and have some selfie time. No, not in front of your camera phone to post your picture on your social media sites, but taking time alone for yourself, especially as we head into the winter months and the holiday season. 

Don't be thrown off your selfie course just because you feel that demand from the retail Gods to empty your bank accounts. Nope, think about yourself and what you want to accomplish as we finish up 2017 and head into 2018. Don't even think about those boring New Year's resolutions that never work. Think about a real plan of action, step by step, and prioritize your life. 

Start your day out at a comfortable pace enjoying that cup of coffee or herbal tea along with fresh fruit.

Try metabolism boosting fruit with toast, like strawberries with
cream cheese, peach and yogurt, apples and hummus,
or bananas and almond butter.

What about exercise? The basics are always the best and very easy to follow without feeling pressure to join a gym or lope around a park everyday. Pick an exercise routine, any exercise routine, since practically all of them work, it's just that we don't stick to a daily schedule. Basic free weights last a lifetime and you can choose a simple routine from the Internet to get you started. Low impact aerobics work for most people and you don't need to purchase any extra treadmills or special exercise contraptions. Get outdoors if you can and walk around the neighborhood or a park; no need for expensive gym memberships.

Your face and hair? Basics are best. Simple cold cream will remove your makeup and if you wear waterproof eye makeup, Neutrogena works best to remove it all. Castor oil mixed with yellow Vaseline will encourage those brows to grow and you can apply it sparingly with a brush to your lash roots being careful to not get the mixture in your eyes. Remember to keep your hair moisturized especially if you color it or it will eventually break off and die like a tree branch. Some women use coconut oil on their hair and wrap it in a hot towel, but shampoo first so your hair is clean from any hairspray or dirt. Take a beauty day and use the oil treatment when you are home and can relax with a hot towel around your head reading your favorite fashion magazines. Or, you can use it at night and wash the oil out in the morning.

Beauty is a pursuit of everyone, and don't think if you're not rich that you can't be beautiful. In spite of her wealth and access to the best plastic surgeons, even Catherine Zeta-Jones has a well-stocked cabinet filled with dozens of skin care products and makeup that any of us can purchase too, it's just funny since you would think she would use only products from her doctors or from the best salons of Paris or New York. Catherine uses one product I have posted on this blog before from a company I like called Natura Bisse. They have a wide range of products that are all fabulous and are a luxury that we all deserve to indulge in from time to time.

Catherine Zeta-Jones' cabinet of beauty products.

Beauty is a part of developing your own personal style and it doesn't have to break the bank. Go back to the basics and you can't go wrong.

#margauxhemingway  #stylesheetdaily
#fashion #beauty #womenswear
#naturabisse  #neutrogena