It's a fact, cut out all the junk from your diet. What does that mean? Obvious, fast food [there is no healthy fast food unless you are just eating a few nuts and dried fruit and nothing else]. Stop eating food from any place that has a drive-through window, all of it is junk, even the dried up old salad that has been frozen for 8 months and served with some fat free dressing, it's all garbage.
Anything in a package has added ingredients you really don't need. Fresh is best but if that's not workable, look in your frozen food section and read the labels. Choose frozen veggies or foods under 100 milligrams of salt, steering clear of the sauces and butter or the packages of flavoring that might come with it. If you are eating rice or pasta, stick with plain white with a serving no larger than what can fit into the palm of your hand which can be used as a base for your vegetables or a meatless [and soy free] dishes. If you are not allergic to wheat products, then choose any whole grain food or brown rice or brown pasta.

Go easy on any cruciferous veggies that can aggravate fibroids and might adversely affect healthy thyroid function. Go easy on meat, poultry, fish and dairy products, switching out the meat and dairy with substitutes, again, read the labels, soy-free is best. Some people who can't live without their milk in their coffee have switched out cow's milk for Almond Milk. Eat spinach or plain iceberg lettuce with fresh tomatoes, cucumbers [sans the seeds], baby corn, anything that sounds good to you for lunch or dinner. Bread? Ummm no, but if you must, go whole grain or try the alternative brands that are dairy and gluten free.
Yes, it's a fact, start moving. Go for a walk [jogging and running marathons causes saggy skin on the face past the age of young; sorry, but it's true], go horseback riding, skiing, get out of the house, nothing can replace working out in the great outdoors no matter how many exercise machines you have in your private home gym.
Oh, and a positive mental attitude is a must and never give up and never give up reading this Style Sheet...good luck and remember, you can do it, you need no one to tell you to start improving your diet and exploring the great outdoors. Just do it.