Believe me, I wish I had listened to the wisdom of a few of the older folks in my life, many years ago. I was told to stop the over the counter medicines, stop or drastically minimize eating dairy products, stop eating meat, take vitamins, but did I listen? Nope, but now have tried to get on track and hope everyone reading this blog knows a person younger than them to pass along this advice. No, it's never too late, but the earlier you start the better off you will be in the long run. Yes, exercise, do a sport, eat fresh fruits and vegetables, limit carbs, and say no to meat and dairy, including that supposedly lean Turkey on xmas, oh brother, all the grease, fat and cartilage is awful and your body will look like a turkey in no time. Plus, I have never known any doctor to tell a person to start eating meat. Our horrible diets have led to all the health problems we suffer in mid-life, and your doctor most likely will tell you to stop eating all the animal products and transition to fresh fruit and vegetables, but no doctor will ever admit you need to stop when you are young, when your body will respond quickly and you will have a healthier mid life into your senior years where you can still ride your horse, take a drive in your sports car, enjoy your cabin in the ski country...but take heart readers, the new year is just around the corner and you don't want to waste it looking like this: